




  • 日本と英国の職場において、なぜ最近セクシュアルハラスメントへの関心が高まっているのか
  • 認識の歪み(アーク・オブ・ディストーション)と良好なコミュニケーションの実践
  • 日本と英国における法的状況
  • 英国の職場における「公平性」「合理性」「適正手続き」とは
  • セクシュアルハラスメントの識別方法
  • 対処方法

免責事項: 本コースの講師であるパニラ・ラドリンは弁護士資格を有しておらず、本コースの内容は法的助言として解釈されるべきものではありません。

This course is designed for all employees of Japanese companies in the UK as part of a sexual harassment prevention initiative. It looks at why the recent developments in the laws in both countries surrounding sexual harassment have come about and how to proactively prevent sexual harassment occurring in the multicultural workplace.

It includes a 10 question quiz in Japanese) and certificate of completion.

This course is narrated in Japanese with bilingual (Japanese and English) slides. An English language version (narrated in English with English subtitles) covering similar content is available here.

The topics covered are:

Why there has been more focus recently on sexual harassment in the workplace both in Japan and the UK

The arc of distortion and good communication practices

The legal situation in Japan and the UK

Understanding British workplace values of fairness, reasonableness and due process

How to identify sexual harassment

What to do about it 

Disclaimer: Pernille Rudlin is not a qualified lawyer and nothing in this course should be taken as legal advice


  ビデオ:日英職場におけるセクシャルハラスメントの理解と防止 2025年版
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Available in days
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